The Importance of a Healthcare Data Room

The Importance of a Healthcare Data Room

Healthcare organizations are moving towards a data-driven mentality. This means that doctors and administrators have to be more meticulous about collecting data from patients marketing departments should base their programs on data-driven insights and patients need to be prompted to update their information. The industry also needs to be able to quickly find the relevant information to make strategic decision. This is why it’s crucial to have a strong, secure healthcare data room.

A healthcare data warehouse (HDR) is a central repository that combines healthcare organizational information from different systems and processes it for analysis and reporting. It also provides a common data model and standardizes the use of data from healthcare across organizations. A healthcare DWH is usually composed of the staging area and the data storage layer, and an analytics and BI tool.

The healthcare industry is extremely regulated, and compliance is a must. The threat of an attack on security or failure can be catastrophic for healthcare companies. Therefore, they must develop their HDR architectures based on the requirements of their specific business applications and their related Recovery Time Objectives and Recover Point Objectives. This includes implementing redundant, multi-tiered and geographically distinct systems that offer high levels of data integrity and availability in the case of a disaster or emergency.

Virtual data rooms are utilized by healthcare and life science organizations to manage sensitive proprietary information that can be shared with clients or partners. Virtual data rooms allow collaboration and streamline M&A activities including clinical trials, intellectual property licensing and biotech licensing. It is important to select a VDR provider that is HIPAA certified and regulated under 21 CFR Part 11.

healthcare data room

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